Development of an economical collar for pets implementing detection, tracking and QR code
Dog collar, QR code, GPS, application, recyclable materialAbstract
In family life, pets have become a very important member, as various global events lead society towards isolation, and new technologies encourage increasingly less personalized communication. The need for companionship that humanizes these changes becomes evident.
In this context, pets are now considered as another family member, and as a result, they should be assigned and provided with appropriate conditions. The mere thought or concept of permanent loss or the possibility of one of them getting lost is a very painful scenario.
Based on the above, this research aims to mitigate such effects to a large extent. The project includes three components that allow the pet owner to have more effective control over their pet: a GPS collar, QR code, and a mobile app. The GPS collar enables the owner to know the pet's location, the QR code provides information such as the pet's name, age, breed, and photo, along with the owner's name and contact phone number. The mobile app serves as a tool that allows the owner to monitor the pet's location from their phone.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ruiz Silvia, Carballo Samuel, Daniela Gallo, Catalina Bayona, Laura Andrea Blanco Gómez (Author)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.